Winter camping looking for a place to stay!  Campers know before you go camping


  • Follow the Camper’s Code and be a Responsible and Safe Camper

    Practice Fire Safety | Parks Canada

    Store Food Safely, Don’t Litter and Practice Fire Safety are the next three easy-to-follow rules of the Camper’s Code. When outdoor enthusiasts abide by these rules, camping continues to be enjoyable for all, nature remains pristine and animals stay wild. Continue Reading

  • Be a Respectful Camper and Practice the Camper’s Code

    Pledge Sticker, BC Parks

    The Camper’s Code is a health and safety initiative comprised of nine easy-to-follow rules. When outdoor enthusiasts abide by these rules camping continues to be enjoyable for all, nature remains pristine and animals stay wild. Let’s examine three of these rules: Plan Ahead and Be Prepared, Respect Others and Respect Staff and Signs. Continue Reading

  • Camping in British Columbia: Tips for First Timers

    With a little advance planning, anyone can have at least a “semi-successful” camping experience guaranteed to provide great memories. Continue Reading

  • Porpoise Bay Provincial Park on British Columbia’s Sunshine Coast – A Great Place for a Camping Holiday

    Kayaking at Smuggler Cove

    Kayaking at Smuggler Cove

    Porpoise Bay Provincial Park is an ideal destination for family fun. At only four kilometres north of Sechelt and at the very south end of the Sechelt Inlet, Porpoise Bay Provincial Park makes an excellent base camp for a larger exploration of the Sunshine Coast. There are plenty of opportunities to get active, whether your chosen speed be relaxing and swimming at the beach, hitting the trails, or exploring the local waterways and marine parks. Continue Reading

  • Camping in British Columbia Millennial Style

    View from the Tent

    I’ve noticed more and more campgrounds are now adding tipis, stationary RV’s or deluxe cabins to appeal to Millennial campers. Continue Reading

  • “Unglamping” in BC: Camping Unplugged

    I must admit, three years ago, camping without hookups scared me. Our camping companions suggested that we try Herald Provincial Park in the Shuswap, a campsite without power, water and sewer. I panicked, no microwave, rice cooker or outlets to charge my cell phone. But more importantly, how would I make my coffee in the morning without my coffee maker? Continue Reading

  • 5 Go To Camping Games for the Whole Family

    Rummikub also called Rummy O. Photo: Darlene O

    Rummikub also called Rummy O. Photo: Darlene O

    When thinking of the annual camping trip(s) and preparing lists, I find that the first list that comes to mind is the “Entertainment list”. No I am not talking about bringing the TV, PVR or the DVDs. I’m talking about good old sit down games that are fun for all ages. The list for games is quite vast, so I’ll keep it simple with my 5 great games to play while camping. Continue Reading

  • Campers Etiquette – Is there such a thing?

    RV set up on campsite

    RV set up on campsite

    What is etiquette in a campground? Well, it’s the respect for others that starts upon your arrival at the Campground. It doesn’t matter who you are, how much money you have or do not have, what fancy toys you have – It is a respect for the fellow camper and the campground. Continue Reading

  • 5 Great Tips for the New Camper in British Columbia

    Kids at the Campfire

    Kids at the Campfire

    If you live in Canada you know that 2017 is Canada’s 150th Birthday, and I think one of the best ways to celebrate our amazing country is to go camping, but not just your usual camping trip. To fully embrace what makes Canada so special, invite someone who has never camped before to join you on your next camping trip and introduce them to one of Canada’s best features - the wilderness! Continue Reading

  • Campfire Cooking With Kids in British Columbia

    baking camp bread on sticks over an open fire

    baking camp bread on sticks over an open fire

    Choose these campfire cooking classics to keep your cookout fare simple yet delicious and appealing to your campers of all ages. Continue Reading