Campers Breakfast
This recipe will serve a family of 6 or more.
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
8 Yukon Gold Potatoes diced
1 Medium Large Onion diced
1 package of bacon, diced
1/2 c. vegetable flakes
2 toes of garlic minced
8 large eggs
In a large skillet, place oil, onion, garlic, cook for 2 minutes, separate mixture into 2 pans for ease of cooking, add 1/2 the potatoes into each pan and cook until just tender, again 1/2 the bacon and add to the pans, cook until you are happy with the potatoes doneness, add 1/2 of the vegetable flakes to each pan, take 4 eggs and lightly scramble in a bowl with a fork and add to one pan (it is easier to cook one pan at a time) then repeat for other pan, serve on a plate with toast and ketchup!