Country Maples RV Resort
River, heated pool, games, clubhouse, banquets, laundromat, meetings, mini golf, dog run, WiFi, activities, ocean, island, RV, camping, trailers and motorhomes. Winter Rates Available.

Dog Friendly

Flush Toilets Available

Hiking Available

Park Host/Manager Onsite

Power Available

RV or Park Model Rentals

RV Sites Available

Sani Dump Available

Seasonal Rates

Showers Available

Swimming Available

Tent Sites Available

Water Available On Site


Winter Camping Available
Travelling North on Hwy #1: park entrance is 18km N of Duncan. Entrance road is on left side of hwy. Proceed N and follow designated "U Turn" route at Henry Rd. Travelling South on Hwy #1: Go 1.5 km past Fuller Lake Motel at Henry Road. Exit lane allows slowing before park entrance.