Winter camping looking for a place to stay!  Campers know before you go camping

Wood Lake RV in Lake Country in the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association region

What is Canadian Camping Week?

Campground on the water at Loon Bay

Courtesy of BC Lodging Campgrounds and Association, Loon Bay RV Resort

This week, I attended the launch of the inaugural Canadian Camping Week event that took place at Fort Camping located in Brae Island Regional Park in Fort Langley. Having worked in the Camping and RV sector in BC for over seven years it was a moment of pride that I felt important to share.

First, let’s take a look at what exactly is Canadian Camping Week? It is a nation-wide celebration designed to encourage Canadians to get outside to enjoy fun, safe and secure camping experiences with family and friends. Popular camping activities such as fishing contests, children’s activities and family movie nights are being hosted by participating campgrounds, and the week-long event will culminate with a special discounted camping weekend rate.

Canadian Camping Week is important on so many levels, not only because British Columbia officially proclaimed May 19-24 as Canadian Camping week but what this exactly means for campers.

• Every May after Victoria Day Weekend you can count on campgrounds in British Columbia offering discounted rates, activities and events.
• Campgrounds in BC will sustain and continue to flourish by your patronage. This preserves campground for the future trips and generations to enjoy.
• By consumers like you and I supporting the week it helps campgrounds to remain economically viable instead of selling highly sought after land to developers.

At the launch the very first national Economic Impact and Trend Analysis report on the Camping Industry in Canada was released by the Canadian Camping and RVing Council. I was impressed and surprised to learn some exciting BC camping facts for instance did you know:

• The average campground size in British Columbia is 68 sites.
• In BC 662,260 people camped in 2014 – 56% in tents, 9% in trailers, 6% in tent trailers, 9% in fifth wheels and 11% in Motorhomes and 9% in other lodging.
• In BC, the camping industry contributes $606 million dollars to British Columbia GDP.
• The camping industry in BC employs 7,524 and generates $137 million in sales and income tax.

British Columbia has 570 campgrounds representing 38,669 campsites operated by the private sector, municipalities, Parks Canada, and BC parks. With so many beautiful parks to visit, I know what I will be doing this weekend and throughout the summer, I invite you to do the same!

Happy Canadian Camping Week!

Published: May 21st, 2015

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