Province wide campfire bans in place, Campers know before you go camping.

Gulf Islands National Park Reserve, Cabbage Island Campground

Cabbage Island, BC View Map
Operating Season:  May 15 - September 30 Number of Sites: 5

Cabbage Island can only be accessed by boat. Backcountry campgrounds are accessible year round but are not regularly maintained from October 1 – May 14. Visitors may use them at their own risk. Cabbage Island has 5 unserviced back country campsites. 10 mooring buoys are also available nearby (separate charge of $14.00 per night) The marshes and stands of Garry oak, arbutus and coastal Douglas fir on these islands are some of the most intact wetland and vegetation communities remaining on the Gulf Islands. The island is an important nesting site for Black Oystercatchers and Bald Eagles. Oystercatchers are particularly sensitive to disturbance by dogs and people walking along the shoreline: use an alternate route or landing area if you spot Oystercatchers on the beach. Keep Dogs on leash at all times throughout Gulf Islands National Park Reserve. 5 unserviced campsites No designated tent pads, please setup your camp in a low impact area. For tips brush up on Leave no Trace practices. Composting Toilet No Potable Water Accessible by water only. Permanent fire ban (including below high tide mark)



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