Moose Valley Provincial Park
Moose Valley Park comprises 2,322 hectares of rolling landscape scattered with lakes and wetlands. The park protects a chain of 12 small lakes, popular as a day or overnight canoeing destination. It is a relaxing and beautiful spot to visit, satisfying paddlers with clear, shallow lakes and abundant aquatic plants and flowers. The many tiny reed-fringed islands and surrounding marshes provide exceptional habitat for deer, moose, waterfowl, and amphibians. Canoeing down the Moose Valley Canoe Chain is the top recreational activity, with tips during the day and overnight being popular. Wetlands and sphagnum bogs can be accessed and viewed via canoe. Moose Valley Provincial Park is a fantastic place to spend relaxation time doing fun activities such as canoeing, bird-watching, wildlife viewing, hiking and wilderness camping and camping. During the winter there is cross-country skiing and and snowshoeing, but there are no set tracks and the park and trails are not maintained. Camping areas are offered at both end of the canoe route; however, the only ones that are developed are located at the main access point at Marks Lake and at the north end of Maitland Lake (Maitland Lake Cabin is no longer suitable for public use). Park Size: 2,500 hectares

Hiking Available

Pit Toilets

Swimming Available
This provincial park is about 31 km west of 100 Mile House, and you can get to it by driving west on the Exeter Station Road. This road leaves Hwy 97 just north of downtown 100 Mile House and should be followed to the junction with the 1100 Road. Then people should continue west on the 1100 Road to the 1117 marker. Here, you would turn right onto the one-lane road and continue in a northwest direction to the main access point of the canoe route at Marks Lake (approximately 9 km). It is best to have four wheel drive high clearance vehicles for this road. If you are in need of any other map information, please refer to topographical map numbers: 1:50,000 Gustafsen Lake 92P/12 or 1:250,000 Bonaparte River 92P. During the winter the park and trails are not maintained.