Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park
The most popular hiking trails start from Kootenay National Park to the west and from Spray Lakes, south of Canmore, Alberta. Popular activities include camping, hiking, mountain climbing, as well as fishing and ski touring in the winter. During the summer, campsites are on first-come, first-serve basis. During the summer and winter reservations can be made for the Hind Hut and Naiset Huts. Park Size: 39,050 hectares
Biking Available
Boat Launch Nearby
Cabins or Cottages
Dog Friendly
Fishing Nearby
Hiking Available
Pit Toilets
Sani Dump Available
Swimming Available
Tent Sites Available
Water Available On Site
Winter Camping Available
West of the BC-Alberta border 48 km southwest of Banff. Park access is by trail or helicopter only.