Winter camping looking for a place to stay!  Campers know before you go camping

Burns Lake

Burns Ridge FSR., Grand Forks, BC View Map
Number of Sites: 1

A short walk in to a nice little campsite right on the shores of the lake.



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Directions from Grand Forks: 47 km North from Grand Forks on North Fork Rd. Turn left onto Grandby FSR at 28 Mile Bridge. Follow Grandby FSR for 13 km then take a right onto Burns Lake FSR. Road is deactivated but water bars are shallow and passable with most vehicles. 3.5 km up the Burns Lake FSR you will take a right onto Burns Ridge FSR and follow for 3 km until you find an old Burns Lake post with a road going right off of Burns Ridge FSR. Continue down for 1 km and you will reach the parking area. From the parking area walk 1.2 km south to the Rec Site.


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