Cedar Springs Ranch
Located 16 miles north of Victoria (exit left at Okotoks Drive), 50 miles south of Nanaimo on the scenic Malahat Drive. Amongst towering cedars and firs, family-friendly. Heated pool, one and two bedroom bunkhouses, playground, store, laundromat, hot showers, pets welcome, propane fires allowed. Easy access to island attractions. Winter Rates Available

Cabins or Cottages

Dog Friendly

Flush Toilets Available

Hiking Available

Park Host/Manager Onsite

Power Available

RV Sites Available

Sani Dump Available

Showers Available

Swimming Available

Tent Sites Available

Water Available On Site


Winter Camping Available
16 miles north of Victoria (exit left at Okotoks Drive); 50 miles south of Nanaimo on Malahat Drive