Christina Pines Campground
Welcome to our campground, home of family camping and memories. Situated 10 mins. walk down to the beach. Heated swimming pool, mini golf included in your stay. Excellent spring and fall rates. Located on Hwy 3 in beautiful Christina Lake, warmest tree lined lake in Canada. Excellent spring and fall rates. Winter Rates Available

Biking Available

Dog Friendly

Flush Toilets Available

Hiking Available

Mountain Biking Available

Park Host/Manager Onsite

Power Available

RV or Park Model Rentals

RV Sites Available

Sani Dump Available

Seasonal Rates

Showers Available

Swimming Available

Tent Sites Available

Water Available On Site


Winter Camping Available
Travelling on Hwy3, east from Grand Forks or west from Castlegar, proceed to community of Christina Lake. Exit left onto West Lake Drive then turn left on Neimi Road to Park entrance