Idaho Peak
Idaho Peak offers one of the most spectacular flower shows in the Kootenays. The diversity and quantity of flowers is matched only by the diversity and quantity of visitors who come to admire the flowers and take in the 360 degree view from the lookout. This is not the place to come if you are seeking solitude. Despite the number of visitors, grouse and deer still roam the area, and an occasional bear is seen. Thus, if you bring your dog, please, keep it on a leash as a matter of courtesy to other trail users and the wild life. There are 2 trails to Idaho Lookout. Both meet on the ridge for the last leg of the hike up to the summit. They are the same length, but one is less travelled. If you would like to take the less travelled trail to the lookout, park at the Alamo parking area. The flowers along this section of the trail are every bit as showy as the ones near the ridge parking lot. A picnic table near the Alamo parking area is an added convenience, not available at the ridge parking area. Trail rehabilitation efforts are under way.

Dog Friendly

Hiking Available

Pit Toilets

Tent Sites Available
At the junction of Hwy 6 and 31A in New Denver, turn east onto Hwy 31A and follow the signs to Sandon. In Sandon, cross the bridge and continue through the centre of town, stopping to pick up drinking water and anything else you may need for the trip. At the end of the street, stop and read the "Idaho Peak Information Sign". This sign has important road information. The first 2 km of the road is wide, not too steep and well maintained by the mining companies. After this, the road narrows considerably, as it switch backs up the mountain. As you enter Wild Goose Basin, you will find a pleasant picnic site on the edge of the meadow. From here, the rest of the road is clearly visible, as it switch backs up to the 2 parking areas. The most heavily used parking area is on the ridge between Idaho Peak and Selkirk Peak. The Alamo parking area is less crowded. Perfect! Park here to avoid the crowds around the ridge parking lot or protect your vehicle's paint job from the nicks and scratches acquired in crowded parking lots.