Winter camping places to stay!  Campers know before you go camping

Thone Lake

Losthorse-Thone Lake FSR., Grand Forks, BC View Map
Number of Sites: 9

Nine, treed, popular camping sites on North side and South West side of the Lake. There is a car top boat launch at the North end of the site.



Boat Launch Nearby

Boat Launch Nearby

Dog Friendly

Dog Friendly

Fishing Nearby

Fishing Nearby

Pit Toilets

Pit Toilets

Swimming Available

Swimming Available

Tent Sites Available

Tent Sites Available


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Turn off Highway 33 onto Highway 43 (Christian Valley Road) at Westbridge. Reset odometer and follow Highway 43 for 27 km. Turn right onto Losthorse Creek Forest Service Road (FSR) for 0.1 km. Turn left onto Losthorse-Thone Lake FSR and drive 14.5 km to recreation site, stay on the main line, do not take any spur roads for recent logging.


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