Winter camping looking for a place to stay!  Campers know before you go camping

Plan to Visit Marble Canyon Provincial Park in British Columbia’s Cariboo Region

The dry interior of the province is one of our favourite camping destinations. Marble Canyon Provincial Park, located along Highway 99 between Cache Creek and Lillooet, fits the bill for everything we like.

The campsite offers 30 high density, first-come-first-serve sites and on a sunny weekend afternoon, it is pretty much guaranteed that the campground will be over capacity between the campers and the day-trippers. As the afternoon wears on, some of the day users will depart, and there is a chance that late arrivals may find a campsite in one of the parking-lot style sites. For those lucky enough to snag one of the premium lakefront sites, the busyness of the park melts away.

Relaxing at the Campsite in Marble Canyon Provincial Park | Kim Walker

The campsite at Marble Canyon Provincial Park is bookended by Crown and Turquoise Lakes. When the water is high, the two lakes merge and visitors can kayak or paddle board between both lakes. A full circumnavigation of the two lakes is about two kilometres. For those looking for a longer paddle, just up the road is Pavilion Lake (watch for the next blog published soon), a gorgeous lake home to extremely rare freshwater microbialites studied by NASA!

Kayaking Crown Lake Marble Canyon Provincial Park | Kim Walker

One of our favourite things to do when visiting Marble Canyon Provincial Park is to hike to the waterfall on the opposite side of the lake. From the campsite, walk or drive to the north end of Crown Lake. From here, follow the trail along the non-highway side of the lake for about three quarters of a kilometre. The trail skirts along the lakeshore in places and climbs the hillside in others. Before long, visitors will arrive at a beautiful waterfall. In the winter, this waterfall freezes and is hilariously referred to as Icy BC (and a variety of other thematic route names including Body Shop and No Deductible) by ice climbers.

Waterfall Hike Marble Canyon Provincial Park | Kim Walker

Marble Canyon Provincial Park protects a dramatic landscape of steep limestone cliffs and lovely lakes. It is extremely busy during the summer with campers and day-trippers alike, but it makes an excellent shoulder season destination as well. The first time we ever visited Marble Canyon Provincial Park was the last weekend of September – warm sunny days but certainly below freezing overnight. Our trip was instigated by a desire to climb a few of the many rock-climbing routes in the area. While it has been almost a decade since that climbing trip, Marble Canyon Provincial Park is a place we keep going back to – and keep finding new things to explore when we are there.

Waterfall at Marble Canyon Provincial Park | Kim Walker

If you are looking for widely spaced campsites and a moderate climate, Marble Canyon Provincial Park is probably not the place for you. The campground is undeniably squishy, but for us it works, as when the small beach is busiest, during the heat of the day, we prefer to be on or in the water. During early mornings, late afternoons, and evenings, Marble Canyon Provincial Park can be a peaceful and beautiful destination for a weekend getaway.

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It’s always a great day to #campinbc

Published: July 21, 2022
Last Updated: April 26, 2024

Kimberly Walker by Kimberly Walker

Kimberly is a Special Education, Elementary School teacher in Hope, BC. Previously having worked ten years at the Hope Visitor Centre & Museum promoting tourism in Hope and British Columbia, Kimberly worked on many local history projects in the museum as well as researching and writing articles for the local newspaper. Kimberly loves travelling with her husband Dale and their dog Alpine. In the fall of 2014, they spent the first 78 days of married life travelling and camping their way across Canada - just the two of them and the dog - travelling in a Hyundai Elantra! Kimberly loves various outdoor recreation types and exploring our beautiful province.