Winter camping looking for a place to stay!  Campers know before you go camping


  • Campers Breakfast

    This recipe will serve a family of 6 or more.


    1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 8 Yukon Gold Potatoes diced 1 Medium Large Onion diced 1 package of bacon, diced 1/2 c. vegetable flakes 2 toes of garlic minced 8 large eggs


    In a large skillet, place oil, onion, garlic, cook for 2 minutes, separate mixture into 2 pans for ease of cooking, add 1/2 the potatoes into each pan and cook until just tender, again 1/2 the bacon and add to the pans, cook until you are happy with the potatoes doneness, add 1/2 of the vegetable flakes to each pan, take 4 eggs and lightly scramble in a bowl with a fork and add to one pan (it is easier to cook one pan at a time) then repeat for other pan, serve on a plate with toast and ketchup!

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  • Breakfast In A Bag

    Serves 1 Prep time – 10 minutes

    Ingredients Eggs Assorted add-ins, bacon, tomato, onion, cheese, peppers ? other omelet items Ziploc Sandwich Bag Boiling pot of water Instructions Place up to 2 eggs per bag along with desired vegetables, meat and cheese. Add a small amount of water (approximately 1 tsp) Seal Baggie Mix all ingredients(shake). Drop into boiling pot of water. Remove once during cooking to squish/shake ingredients a second time Remove at end of cooking (eggs will look done)

    Submitted by: (TOTA) Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association : Travel Experience Guide Origins unknown

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  • Biscuits / Bannock

    Makes about 6-8 biscuits

    Ingredients 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda pinch of salt 1tbs butter 1/2 cup milk Instructions

    Combine the dry ingredients at home, all together, and store in a zip lock bag or (my favorite) a lock and lock container-so you don’t have any spills during the drive or hike.

    When you make the dough just add the milk and butter and mix well. To form dough, make sure your hands are dry. Then make an OK sign with your fingers (connecting the thumb and forefinger in a circle), push the dough through the round opening, creating a ball a little smaller than a baseball. Squeeze the fingers closed to cut off the dough. Continue until all dough is formed into balls. Put onto a greased pan and put in the oven or, if you’re c...

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  • Berry Pancakes

    Makes about 8-10 pancakes

    Ingredients Make the dry ingredient Biscuit/Bannock recipe from above (again, store the mixed dry ingredients in a container for easy packing purposes) 1 cup milk 2 tbs butter 1 large egg 1 cup of your favorite berries (fresh picked blueberries, huckleberries, strawberries? Yum!) 1/2 cup of maple syrup Instructions

    Melt the butter and 2 tablespoons of maple syrup in a pot (or microwave). Once melted, add half the berries to butter mixture and mash. Combine wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix well. Stir in the rest of the berries. Scoop onto greased skillet or griddle to form pancakes. Once bubbles start to form in the middle, flip and cook for another minute. Serve with remaining maple syrup and enjoy!

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